Saturday, December 09, 2006

Life and Death

Got my Christmas present quite early this year, last Sunday in fact. And surpise surpise, my girlfriend bought me a white PSP~!!!

White PSP version 2.8 ... Yeah~!!

Was so happy the whole week and went gadget hunting for my latest gaming device. First thing I looked for was a suitable PSP sticker, and I really like this design.

Skulls design. Back view.

Bought a white colour Logitech PSP holder too, and finally got the time to design my holder cover only today. Took me around 3 hours for this to be totally done from sketching to finishing.

Gothic designs with skulls and gothic roses. This read 'Death' and right side skull is showing happy face.

Turn it over and it read 'Life' and right side skull is showing sad face. Cool right~!!!

Actually the gothic wording for this life and death was originated from a tattoo design, but it looks nice enough, and maybe someday it might land on my skin. Hahaha~!!... Thank you dear, for the present. :)


Kazzzzzzz said...

Nice design!

Shionge said...

Hey that's so cool! Sorry I'm not into all these game gadget but is this battery operated or need to plug into electric supply?

Perfectwound said...

To Kaz: Thanks. :)

To shionge: The battery came with the set itself. It's something like a handphone and the same way to charge. Thinking of buying one for your Bibi??? hee hee hee...

Shionge said...

Thank you PW - Not for Bibi but not sure if it is good for my 2nd girl, Shan. Will give it a thought.

Enjoy your games!