Wednesday, November 05, 2008

No. 15th

This is my 15th Blog post for this year.

It's sad because this is my worse year in blogging yet, ....hmmm....but no one seems to care. Seems like someone else I know are still in "hybernating" mode since Sept, but who's counting anyway.

Was trying to write something thoughtful and sensible over here, but a phone call just slap me across the face and made me change my mind.

So here's a really sad and smoothing song and it was feature in the Watchmen trailers recently. "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning", by Smashing Pumpkins. I love this song.


Cecilia said...

hey, I hope everything's ok. Your post sounded less than upbeat.

Perfectwound said...

Well it's not that serious actually. But just somethings that I wish it didn't happen.

No worries. :)

Anonymous said...

Take care..