Monday, May 21, 2007

Minutes To Midnight

While listening to their latest album, it gaves me this mix feelings about the Linkin Park now. From the way they dress now and the way 'Shadow Of The Day' is composed, it really left a mark like they want to be the next U2.

Anyway they really succeed in their goal for the latest album, which is to sound totally different from their previous songs. After listening to the album everyday for the past week, I still can't figure out whether it's a good or bad move for them to sound this way. Sure there's still songs that are heavier ('Given Up', 'No More Sorrow'), softer ('Leave Out All The Best', 'Shadow Of The Day', 'Valentine's Day') , soft alternative, and some rap songs with Mike Shinoda in it. But it's totally shearing away from their past images and going in another different direction, which hardcore loyal fans of their nu-metal music may not get into.

But one thing I like about this album is the lyrics, with a few songs getting more political and rising awareness of things like war happening around us, which I think is important.

Nevertheless, it's a bold and daring move by Linkin Park for making the changes. Meanwhile enjoy this heavy track 'No More Sorrow', which is one of my personal favourites from their lastest record.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you love Linkin Park and U2. Must be a rock person uhh? ;)

Perfectwound said...

Haha....ok la. Used to be a real hardcore linkin park fan in the past. Even went to KL's Medeka Stadium for their concert few years ago. :)