Monday, May 07, 2007

Come On

I'm a sad, pathetic, pain-inflicting, confused, sorrow addicting, emotion disordering, mood dsyfunctioning, violent loving piece of bloody crap.

So sick and tired of things right now. Can't imagine the best things and feelings in my life now only exist when I'm at work. Guess it's time to make a stand. Stand up against the things going wrong around me. Stand up against the man who think he's almighty. How can I ever forget that.

P.S. I'm suppose to write a review or something on Spiderman 3, but I guess most of you out there already watched it. Anyway I find the show sucks. IT SUCKS~!!!
(Please cheer for me as it takes a lot of courage and determination for someone whos a Spidey fan since young to say the movie is a letdown.)

1 comment:

curryegg said...

Hi there. Thx for your comment in my blogs. I love green and glad that you've the desire to save the Earth. But sorry, I cant enter that link that you've given me. can you send it to me again? Sorry ya..
And cheer up! Spiderman 3 really so sucks ma? lol.. :D