Monday, February 05, 2007

I Love My Job...Do I?? (Part 2)

Always think it's troublesome to upload something on my blog, especially pictures taken from my handphone. Since I have loads of time and nothing really good to do today, will update these pictures taken when I'm working. Yes, all these are taken during my work time and mostly during office hours for the past 3 months.

I came, I saw, I shoot~!!
(Clumsily took out my w800i and took this blur pics in the cab while passing by.)

Taken from Golden Shoes Complex carpark...or is it Golden Shoes Centre?? Ahh..whatever. It's that place where they have nice hawker centre located on 2nd level.

One of my personal favourites.
Taken at Expo last year while coming outdoors to take a break.

One of my dream bike, owned by my colleague, Stv.
It's so big that he looks like riding a bull when he's on it. hahaha~!!

Sentosa, very very low tide. Taken this year.

Took the Sentosa Express and I'm so close that I can't take the full view.
Some more so near to Merlion's butt.

Ahh...another nice picture taken from my W800i. On Sentosa Express from Vivocity to Sentosa.

Think this was taken around X'mas period at Esplanade. They will ask people that passes by to write wishes on the big balloons.

So being a Kpo I wrote this down. Seems like the standard answers for any Miss Universe pageant. Oh yeah, I know my handwriting sucks...I'm a doctor wannabe. :)

Taken at Bontanic Garden few weeks back. The trees there are HUGE~!! The pics there are the hardest to take, cause I need to walk for 15 minutes to my location carrying more than 7 kg loads...alone~!! (*GASP*)

Look at how big the plants are~!! I'm so amazed by all these that even the tourists there finds me weird when I "WAH~!!" here & there.

Think I have a good job?? Well, this is the only good (and also bad) part about my job. Sometimes I can even travel north, south, east, west and central parts of S'pore all in one day. I love my I ???

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