Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Top 5 Stupid Questions

Finally have the chance to sit right here with my beloved PC and type in my posting for my blog. Nothing to blog about really, just that I'm too lazy and can't be bothered to blog about my life right now. But instead these few questions pop in my mind, when I was bathing just now (hmmm....funny things always come into my mind when I'm bathing...)

Question 1: Why is the sky blue??

Question 2: If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, then which planet do transvestites came from??

Question 3: Why are the sound made by dogs and the outer layer of the tree called the same name??

Question 4: Why are there only 24 hours in one day?? (I wish there can be 50 hrs per I can have more time for my work...)

Question 5: What are they going to call Prison Break after the brothers broke out of prison?? It's no point calling that anymore when they are all outside and there's no prison to break.

Some stupid questions...with some stupid theories...for stupid people. :P

1 comment:

Shionge said...

Hee... like you I always wish there's more hours than 24 in a day PW :D

Thanks for your kind words PW at my last post yday...appreciate that :D