Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Finally There's Sound

Well, finally manage to place the songs I want on my two blogs, all thanks to Wendy for her time and patience. Currently playing is an opening theme song from Naruto. And it's one of my favourite anime songs that I like. It may sound kind of noisy or irritating to some people, but I DON'T CARE~!! It took me a long time to post the music up, so please let me do whatever I want. After all this is MY blog~!!!! I dare you guys to stop me~!! COME ON~!! WHO'S FIRST~?!?!?!

(Sorry guys,... please ignore me,....I'm a little sleep deprive right now...)


Anonymous said...

i like suskae..
the ending theme song.. MORE nicer!! Haha~

Anonymous said...

waseh!!!nice songs, man!I like it very much!thank you,it's very entertaining...

Shionge said...

Hey it's your blog, do what you like best :D