Monday, October 16, 2006

My Obituary

'What will your obituary say?' at

Lets see... I hardly went to any museums at all, or any time in the future.

But at least I know an oven loves me when I'm gone.

(Whole load of crappy shit...)


Anonymous said...

eeee.. mine was: Screamingly in speeding car, momo died a horrific death. momo will be terribly missed by Chuck Norris.

hmmm... hmmmmm.... hmmmmmmmmmmm....

Perfectwound said...

Well, at least you will be remembered by Chuck Norris... hahaha~!!!

Shionge said...

Ooops! Never thought of that really but an interesting post really.

Let me think about mine....:D Er..maybe not lah...too expensive to have one at cheaper hor?? :D