Super Hamsters
These two hamsters was bought to office by Joey around a month back. Right now they can do amazing stunts like this...
Cool and cute right?? These two babes need no one to teach them these tricks. I'm so proud and impress by them...
(wow...Now I sound like as if they're really my children...)
if ur children like them.. so ACTIVE... sure die arh!!
but for hamster is cute lor.. hee..
We had an acrobatic hamster before. They're really cute and entertaining pets!
Gingy: If my children are like that, I will let my wife take care of them rather than me. :P
Cez: Yes they're cute right~! It's sometimes so relaxing watching them entertaining themselves. But not so cute when they starts to bite though. :P
the hamster is sooooo cute.. and very strong.. what it eat? spinach ah.. haa..
Bluesnow: No la...just normal hamster food. And they learn that all on their own...heehee
Kaylee: Hi there and welcome~!! Well I will try to upload more of those cute little monsters...erm I mean hamsters, when possible. :P
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