Wednesday, June 06, 2007

It's All In Your Mind

Just went for a jog. Came back home really tired, so tired I could just lay in my wonderful bed and zzzzzzz right now. It's been almost a year since I had really exercise, and the jog almost kill me. But deciding to quit all my bad habits is finale, and I don't want to look back.

Both my parents are diabetics, and the chance of me getting it is really high. But thinking of cutting down my favourite food like prata, Burger King's mushroom swiss burger, bubble tea, red meat, etc etc.......seems so hard to do. Nevertheless, I'd quit smoking already, so this shouldn't be hard for long. As I always says, 'It's all in your mind'.

Well, one jogging session down, thousands more to go. Anyone wants to join me for jogging sessions at Tampines?? Whahaha~!!

1 comment:

Shionge said...

Yes it is mind over matter....first run is always hard later I bet you can run a marathon :)

Good luck & well done on quit to smoking :D