Wednesday, April 18, 2007

SGD $19.00 +++

SGD $19.00.

That's the price for a plate of Hainanese chicken rice I had last night.

Thanks to my overseas colleague from Austria, Peter, that I'm able to taste such delicious, mouth watering, and not to mention expensive dish from a restaurant call Chatterbox located in Orchard. For $19 bucks, it's sufficient to buy me six packets of normal chicken rice from any Ah Beng or Ah Seng coffeeshop. It's a really wonderful meal for me (also not to mention it's free too, whahahahaha~!!!)

So wonderful that I can't resist to let the whole world knows that I had taken such an expensive dish for dinner.

So wonderful that I must brag... oops I mean blog about it here and let you guys know it too.

Damn it, if I had thing my way I won't be called Perfectwound anymore if I really want to.

Call me "The Man That Once Ate A Plate of Expensive Hainanese Chicken Rice That Cost Singapore Nineteen Dollars Plus Plus Plus And Can't Get Over It For The Rest of His Life". (TMTOAAPEHCRTCSNDPPPACGOIFTRHL)????


Ahhhhhh.........the chicken rice..... slurp slurp


momo said...

heehee... dunforgetbringmealongnexttimeleh~

Anonymous said...

$19++ chicken rice?
I can't imagine how the chicken rice look's like......

Perfectwound said...

To momo: yaiwillbringyoualongifyoucanunderstandthismessengeandifiwonamilliondollarswhahahahahhaahaokoki'manarsehole.

To je:Well the chicken rice looks rice lor~!! whahahah~!!