Sunday, October 08, 2006

Prison Break

Been going crazy about this serial showing on Channel 5. Don't know why I'm addicted to it yet, as I seldom watch long winded drama (Lost, Desperate Housewives, Smallvilles), and rather prefer shows with interesting storylines that finish at the end of each episodes (House, CSI). Maybe it's the plot that utimately wins me over. I'm so into this show now that I'm even convince to buy the DVD once it's release. Oh ya, and the younger brother in the show, Wentworth Miller, is a damn hunk (Sad to disappoint you all, but I'm straight..). Right now in the US, Prison Break season one is already on DVD, and season two is currently on air. Guess I had to wait a loooong time for this hit show to finish....and I hate to wait...sigh...

Wentworth Miller, in the show his character had tattooed his whole upper body with escape routes out of prison.

Show's Info:

Convinced that his wayward brother LINCOLN BURROWS (Dominic Purcell) was wrongly convicted of the sensational murder of the Vice President’s brother, which landed him on Fox River State Penitentiary’s death row, a desperate MICHAEL SCOFIELD (Wentworth Miller) attempted a daring bank robbery in order to get himself incarcerated in Fox River with Lincoln. Michael, an engineer with access to the prison’s structural design, then masterminded an elaborate plan to free Lincoln by pulling off the ultimate PRISON BREAK.


Anonymous said...

Wentworth Miller >> COOL!!!

Shionge said...

Yo Shiok! Yep, definitely a good watch on Thursday night...can't wait for DVD too.

He's cool, do you think his tattoo is real?

Perfectwound said...

To momo: Yeah he is cool. Though he always looks so troubled and worried in the show, he is still cool.

To Shionge: Hey I thought you are not local. hahaha~!!
He's tattoo is not real. No actor in his right mind would tattoo an escape route to nowhere just to be famous...erm...i think..haha

Shionge said...

Oh okay....was mesmerised by his tattoo....followed by his 'COOLNESS'...heeehekk...I'm only human :D hahahah