Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I Am Not Pissed At All

1) Found out that some handphones (including my own) have a function of alerting the users when the battery is almost dead. Why do they invent the technology of beeping and vibrating the phone, when you need every last ounce of energy from the phone to receive important calls or SMS?? But no,...the phone will keep bothering you and left you with frastrations and panics. As if the vibrations and sounds made by the handphones does not use up much of the energy left. It's just like a touchlight that only runs on solar energy (the idea is there...but what for??). I am not pissed at all.

2) BFG called me today, but no one answer the phone at the other end. And I was acting like a fool going "Hello?? Hello?? Hello??" for 30 seconds. I guess the phone 'auto-call' me while it was inside his pants...again.

Keylock was given for a reason, BFG. Now that was a useful function for a handphone, but people like BFG just don't appreciate it. What's so hard about pressing two more buttons to keylock your bloody phone before putting it in your pants, and prevent your big fat thigh from rubbing against it. This is not the first time dude, and I don't think it will be the last. To BFG, this invention is just as useless as begging to a beggar (the idea is there...but what for??). I am not pissed at all.

Thought Of The Day: Some people always talks about the bed of roses. But they never told you about the trails of thorns they had to crawl to get in bed.

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