Monday, May 22, 2006

Wet Wet Wet

Was drenched on my way back home. The bloody rain started when I took the first step out of the bus,...only the first step, (facing above...)what nice timing you have huh??

I'm soaked entirely from top to bottom (like the water festival in Thailand), my new sling bag had became a water pouch, and my old leather shoes was a reservoir by then.

The moment I open the door of my house my mum said, "It's raining, are you wet??".

She was sitting facing the window, and maybe the thunder and lightning must have trip her main circuit board (sorry mum...), but she was totally oblivious to all that. Talking about saying the wrong things at the wrong time. I just harshly reply, "Doesn't look like snowing to me." (sorry mum...)

I'll hope tomorrow won't rain anymore, at least let me get back home alive...and dry.

Thought Of The Day: Do we really need the instructions of how to use shampoos and bar soaps at all?? Will we ever be lost without the directions at the back of those products??


Kazzzzzzz said...

Was it raining on Monday?

Gosh, you must have felt so .. idiotic when ur mom said what she said....

instructions are meant to be there IN CASE some people are really ignorant about using the items. not everyone knows how to shampoo their hair properly one wor......


Perfectwound said...

haha....but I was thinking we are train from young to wash our hair. so there...haha~!

Dalicia said...

stay try! your layout changed :) i like this better!

Perfectwound said...

thanz.. :)