Sunday, May 14, 2006

Not Right To Be Left Alone

Just read a comic strips about left handed just now in the newspaper. Got me thinking about all the famous people who are 'lefties'...

- Tom Cruise (Jealous and envy of you.)
- Jerry Seinfeld (A great comedian, one of my fav.)
- Leonard Da Vinci (Heard he's gay though.)
- Albert Enstein (One of the greatest nerd I respect.)
- Demi Moore (You are sleeping with someone younger ~?!?)
- Bruce Willis (Your wife is sleeping with someone younger~?!?!)
- Eminem (Great rapper, but heard his handwriting sucks...maybe a medical student wannabe.)
- Bill Clinton (We all learn the new meaning of undertable.)
- Keira Knightley (She's....well...erm...not a lefty, but sure damn pretty~!!!)

Imagine till this day I still heard stories about kids who are disciplined (some are really beaten up...) to be right handed by their parents. How I wish I was there to end this madness (I might really beat the parents up...), for your child might be a great painter, artist, accountant, mathematician or hooker and you spoil their beautiful life by changing it. Just because it's unacceptable to be left handed??

Mum: Ah Boy ah, how many times i tell you don't use your left hand to do things like writing, eating and cleaning your backside huh?? ***

Boy: But Mummy, I like using my left hand leh. Use my left hand dig my nose can dig very clean leh.

Mum: Aiyooo...Don't use left hand means don't use left hand la. It's for your own good la. You don't listen I take cane and beat you ar~!!

Boy: ???? (don't understand why but don't dare to voice out.)...but...but I cannot get use to use my right hand.

Mum: (taking out cane...) You say again~!!


Chances of the boy that grew up to be an aggressive, violent, rebellious, and chain smoking young man are......... very very slim.

And so according to an unreliable source in 1996 (From Tim Allen's comedy sitcom 'Home Improvement'), only 10% of the populations are left handed. And in the animal kingdom (like your cousins...the monkeys), the odds are 50%. So if you read my nonsensical posting here and don't figure out that I'm a lefty by now, well...I can understand how smart you are.

*** This is NOT an offense to ALL MUSLIMS, I'm writing from a Chinese mother point of view. Please put down your parang knifes, baseball bats, guns, bazookas and nuclear bombs.

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